Process without Perspective = Disaster

Not directly programming related but certainly in there somewhere.

This occurred to me the other day, and I'm not afraid to admit that was the first time it occurred to me, I think I knew it but the thought had just never solidified.

In simple terms I became aware of a subset of people who blithely follow a given process, irrespective of the situation. While I appreciate a good process and the guidance that it can give, I do see them as guidance. This might be an odd thing for a programmer to say, given our expectation that a computer will follow our instructions (even when they aren't exactly what we intended). That said, a computer is an automaton, a human being isn't or at least shouldn't be.

Is it any wonder that we are increasingly surrounded by a lack of imagination? I find that fewer and fewer people I encounter have even considered that their working activities might have room for improvement, they've been too busy cranking the handle to look up and see the world passing before their eyes.

Just a nudge for all you out there, don't be afraid to challenge the status quo providing you have a better idea. Challenging for the sake of it is just crass, is unhelpful and isn't going to get you the kind of response you are undoubtedly hoping for.

Last word, when someone comes to you with a situation that's going to make your process hard to follow to the letter... look and see if the process can be improved, even if it's just for the exception conditions. In the long run it'll benefit you and the person coming to you.